
Targets for pig production

No sows need to be older than 6 farrowing

Your gilt replacement need to be on 54% per year

25% of your farrowing sows need to be gilts

97% of inseminated gilts need to come to farrowing

94% of inseminated sows need to come to farrowing

SFY depend of which breed you have, some breeds have up to 117 days in gestation.

SWY depend on which breed you have, and also the local laws. Some countries demand that the nursery period is not less than 4 to 5 weeks weeks.  


In farrowing not more than 7%

In weaning not more than 1.5%

In finisher not more tab 1 %

Sows not more than 3% per year

If you have more then you got problems with your management

Feed consuming

In weaning, depend on your requite end weight

In finisher depend on your requite end weight

Gilts: paid info

Gestation: paid info

Farrowing: paid info

Young Boar, as gilts : paid info

Old Boar depend if he is in use or just as smelling : paid info
